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College of Architecture, Navi Mumbai

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Design Cells

Students have worked through the design cell for various design proposals by CIDCO, NMMC, and UDRI.

  1. During April-May 2009, a team of 75 students worked with Urban Design Research Institute (UDRI), for Fort Management plan, where they documented and prepared survey map-sheets for service management and transport management. This project was completed under the guidance of Mr. Gulshankumar Sharma.
  2. A team of students worked during 2009-10, on the landscaping projects of Bharati Vidyapeeth Belpada complex under the guidance of Ms. Saumya Bannerjee and Ms. Ritu Deshmukh.
  3. A team of students conducted a study visit for LAVASA township for a research and proposal project taken up the B.V.C.O.A. Design cell, under guidance of Ms. Annadate and Ms. Richa Sharma
  4. A team of 40 students from first year batch worked for Scraptures exhibition and set design for a GO GREEN CONFERENCE organized by Rotary clubs.
  5. With MMRDA , a comprehensive study and redevelopment proposal for the water-front areas of Navi Mumbai in association with CIDCO, undertaken by Prof. Suresh Mankar, Ms. Ritu Deshmukh, under the guidance of Town planner Ar. D.G.Parab.
  6. Recently students of Bharati Vidyapeeth College of Architecture, Navi Mumbai Under the guidance of faculties Arundhati Dutta, Amrut Deshpande, Gulshankumar and Kamakshi Vaidya, stayed, studied and worked in Goa as a part of GOA RURAL STUDIO conducted during 9th-16th October 2010, jointly with KRVIA Mumbai and Goa College of Architecture. Here students studied various aspects of Socio-economic, geographic and ecological study of different terrains and topographical areas of Goa. After the Studio their works in form of Panels were exhibited in Goa College of Architecture, Panjimon 16th October 2010, where eminent Academicians and practicing Architects of Goa were present for the jury, discussion and crit.
  7. As a product or rather intervention of the GOA RURAL STUDIO conducted during 9th -16th October 2010; a live project of reviving SARA HOUSE which is more than 200 year old house in Chandore, is being taken up by the 3rd year Barch.ID students of BVCOA, under the guidance of practicing consultants.
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