Academic activities
Students' Work

- COA Thesis and Heritage Award -
Our college hosted the 3-days event – Zonal Jury & Exhibition for National Awards for Excellence in Architectural Thesis And Heritage Awards 2018 at CIDCO Exhibition Center, Vashi from 24th – 26th September 2018 organized by Council Of Architecture through its Academic unit - Council Of Architecture Training & Research Centre (COA-TRC). On 24th September, there was an inauguration of National Awards for Architectural Thesis and Heritage Awards 2018’ executed with an amazing start at CIDCO Exhibition Centre in the presence of Mr.Ramaswamy N, Mr.Soyuz Talib, Mr.Habeeb Khan,Mr.Shekhar Bagool, Mr.Vilasrao Kadam followed by exhibition. The FOLLOWING day, there was a short listing of entries by- Ar.Sandeep Sen, Ar.Aravindan Rangan, Ar.Deepa Mandrekar Rao. On the last day, there was a public jury followed by felicitation of students and results concluded by cultural program.
- Exchange Program: Under the Exchange Program with the institute ENSAPLV- Paris, our students Manmeet Singh Obang, Manali Nilawar and Anshuli Nagwekar are selected and granted admission to ENSAPLV for one academic year.
- Talks by Experts
- A talk by Ar. Krishna Murthy : “Folds design Studio” a presentation on his professional work.
- Lecture by Ar.Hiten Sethi on Sustainable Architecture.
- Lecture by Ar. Aruna Joshi.
- Electives-
- Set Design - By Ar.Sarang Patwardhan
- Performance of Building envelope - By Prof. Varsha Annadate & Prof.Vinita D.
- Bamboo Structure - By Ar. Mangesh Belsare
- People Place Mapping - Ar. Nisha
Followed by cartonography - by Ar. Fatema Master
- Music in Architecture - By Prof.Nandedkar & Ruta
- Mind Mapping - By Prof.Dipanwita & Kamakshi
- Model Making - By Prof.Shraddha & Prof. Suvarna Thakare
- Carpentry - By Ar.Yashika .T
- Landscape-By.Ar.Martina Spies
- Universal Design Workshop for third years by Ar.Kavita Murugkar
- Digital Architecture Workshop - by Ar.Harimohan Pillai
- A presentation by Mrs.Inamdar on UG fellowships with foreign Universities.
- BVCOA and BNCA, Pune college joint studio on Watson Hotel Mumbai.
- A talk by Dr.Nandita Shah on Women & Cities (Dealing with gender Safety)
- The webinar by Dr. Anuradha Chatterjee. on how the façade can be treated and it’s impact on the people on a larger aspect where the façade makes the difference on how public space is utilized. The structure is to be analysed on five parameters. The structures selected were in Navi Mumbai which have interesting façade treatment.
- A talk by Ar. Krishna Murthy : “Folds design Studio” a presentation on his professional work.